Depending on your individual problems, Sami might use the following healing techniques:

Reflexiology Massage
Reflexology is understood to be a healing art that uses acupressure and massage on the feet, hands or ears to promote relaxation, alleviate pain, treat illness, and stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. Reflexology maps out reflex points on the hands, feet, and ears that correspond to each part of the body. Feet and hands contain over half of all the bones in our bodies, as well as, 7200 nerve endings and 107 ligaments. By applying acupressure or massage to a meridian line, a reflexologist seeks to affect the movement of a patient’s vital energy. Reflexology aims to help the body’s energy circulate effectively without blockages, stagnation or energy loss by manipulating reflex points in the feet, hands or ears.

This treatment uses cupping glasses to produce a vacuum on the treated parts of the body. The vakuum is usually generated by putting the heated cupping classes immediately on the patient’s skin. As a result, internal organs can be reached. It is therefore useful for a variety of ailments such as migraine, rheumatism, discopathy, high blood pressure, asthma or digestive problems.

Gurah Therapy
A liquid mixture of herbs is inserted into the patient’s nostrils while he lies on his back. The patient then turns over on his stomach while large quantities of mucus are produced from the nose and mouth. This therapy is useful for drug addiction, smoking, migraine, sinusitis, sore throat and influenza.

Yoga Therapy
It’s a health-orientated lifestyle concept, in which people learn how to activate their self-healing power on their own. Apart from the spiritual goals, the physical postures of yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple. Yoga techniques can therefore be used to treat special complaints.

Ayurveda is a system of healing that originated in ancient India. It has been defined as the “knowledge of living”. Ayurvedic doctors regard physical and mental existence as well as personality as a unit, each element having the capacity to influence the others. Ayurveda stresses the use of plant-based medicines and treatments. The treatment includes holistic healing techniques like diet, detoxification and purification techniques, herbal and mineral remedies, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, and massage therapy.

Reiki Therapy
With this technique, practitioners are transferring universal energy (Reiki) in the form of chy through their palms, which enables self-healing and a state of equilibrium. It is thought that Reiki works in conjunction with the meridian energy lines and chakras through the use of the hand-positions, which normally correspond to the seven major chakras of the body.

Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture
Acupuncure is a traditional chinese therapy. Thin, solid needles are inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. By applying acupuncture to a meridian line, the therapist seeks to affect the movement of a patient’s vital energy. Acupuncture aims to help the body’s energy circulate effectively without blockages, stagnation or energy loss by manipulating these reflex points.

Astrology Reading
Zodiac signs are an essential part of who we are. But Astrology is much more than personality traits. The ongoing motion of the planets affects our daily lives. By astrology reading, problems can be placed and understood in a context..

By applying moxibustion with a cone, needle or patch to a meridian line, the therapist seeks to affect the movement of a patient’s vital energy. Moxibustion aims to help the body’s energy circulate effectively without blockages, stagnation or energy loss by manipulating these reflex points.

Boreh Therapy
Traditional herbal scrub used to relieve muscle aches, increase blood circulation and create relaxation. This is accomplished by using heat therapy combined with exotic spices that stimulate the circulation and warm the skin with an aromatic blend. It is also used to treat headache, fever, osteoporosis, osteoparthritis and rheumatism.

Boreh Therapy
Traditional herbal scrub used to relieve muscle aches, increase blood circulation and create relaxation. This is accomplished by using heat therapy combined with exotic spices that stimulate the circulation and warm the skin with an aromatic blend. It is also used to treat headache, fever, osteoporosis, osteoparthritis and rheumatism.

Leech Theraphy
Leeches are applied for the therapy at the appropriate location of the body. Among other things the active substance of the leeches can improve the wound healing.

Konesiology or human kinetics is the scientific study of human movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, mechanical, and psychological mechanisms. Applications of kinesiology to human health include: biomechanics and orthopedics, strength and conditioning, sport psychology, methods of rehabilitation, such as physical and occupational therapy, and sport and exercise. Through applied kinesiology, a therapist is able to diagnose illness or choose treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness.

It’s an alternative treatment that emphasizes diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the hypothesis that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system. The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, including manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues. Traditional chiropractic assumes that a vertebral subluxation or spinal joint dysfunction interferes with the body’s function and its innate intelligence, a vitalistic notion that brings ridicule from mainstream health care.