Sami’s healing concept is about the human life. It is a holistic concept. Problems are therefore never treated in isolation, but viewed as a whole beginning with their origin. The “Panca Mayakosha” healing concept is very substantial and can be difficult to understand. For this reason we just publish a small extract from it, that you can get an idea of what it is about.

1. The human being is a shuttle body known as panca (=five) mayakosha (=dimensions) (Sanskrit). So the panca mayakosha are the five dimensions of the human being. The shuttle body incorporates:
1.) The biological body,
2.) The biolelectrical body,
3.) Emotional body,
4.) Intellectual body,
5.) Spiritual body.

2. Human problems are very complicated. Each issue is connected to another. Mental, emotional and intellectual problems are related to physiological issues and spiritual awareness. Diseases and low energy can be the result of disharmonies within and between those dimensions.

3. The five dimensions of the human being are hierarchically related. Spiritual awareness is on top of the pyramid and handles the problems of the mind (intellect, emotions) and the body (bioenergy, biological body). So if you have physical problems, it’s just the bottom of the pyramid. It can be fixed by working on the “higher“ issues




4. The five dimensions of the human being are hierarchically related. Spiritual awareness is on top of the pyramid and handles the problems of the mind (intellect, emotions) and the body (bioenergy, biological body). So if you have physical problems, it’s just the bottom of the pyramid. It can be fixed by working on the “higher“ issues